Sam's Blog

Core: Learning Agreement
Technical Blog: Positioning
Core: My Identity
Technical Blog: HTML & CSS
Core: Emotional Intelligence
Technical Blog: Problem Solving
Cultural Blog: Growth Mindset
Core: Reflections

Describe the impact the core learning has had on your Foundations learning journey.

Starting out by evaluating my strengths and weaknesses and how that would affect my learning journey has been very beneficial. It has not been something I have actively sat down and written out in my previous studies.

The section on Mind growth and Neuroplasticity has been fascinating and has given me more confidence and positivity going forward. On a side note - I have typed “neuroplasticity” so many times I can now usually type it without angering the spellchecker. Yay for neural pathways!

What are 1 - 3 new things you have learned about yourself as a result of the core learning?

Sometimes when I get really stuck on a problem I can lock down in to a fixed mindset. I like the train of thought of “I can’t do this yet” instead of just saying “I can’t do this”. Coming in to foundations, I undervalued the importance of self evaluation. The Core part of Foundations has changed my mind considerably.

What has surprised you the most about the core learning?

Why aren’t these concepts being taught more widely!? The benefits of emotional intelligence and growth mindsets are huge. I had never come across them before.

What was the most challenging aspects of the core learning?

Initially I found the core learning part of foundations a bit tedious and slow. I don’t really enjoy writing about myself. Like I said to my facilitator - Core is a bit like broccoli. I see the value in it but I don’t really walk into the kitchen saying “oh man I want some broccoli.”

Any thoughts you want to share about your core learning journey in Foundations?

I have thoroughly enjoyed the core learning jouney in foundations. Something I never thought I would say.